Saturday, July 11, 2009


I get up too early, before the sun early. I have time to think about stuff. Usually, I am thinking about dog stuff. Usually, there are a bunch of dogs here watching me think about stuff. This morning I was thinking about Murphy. He is so special. He stays with me for most holidays and comes to the park once a week. Murphy is fun and sweet and he is endowed with my absolute favorite quality in a dog. Murph respects the vibe. He is awesome at the park, peaceful at home, fun to walk in the 'hood, loves kids and all my friends, Murphy even gets my old granny Grace to share a dog bed with him. He is all fun and love.
Then, I was thinking... funny how he is such a sensible little package of a dog. Brown and black, mid - size, short easy coat. He is such a regular guy on the surface.
If you think about it...
Awesome things come in regular packages.

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